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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All author information should be added to the submission metadata.
  • should add all authors to the List of Contributors at submission time
  • Your manuscript should contain no more than 3% text generated by AI tools.
  • The manuscript's similarity score should be no more than 20%.

Author Guidelines

Journal of Basrah Researches Sciences


  1. The journal accepts scientific research which has never accepted for publication or published in another journal or conferences inside or outside Iraq.
  2. The journal publishes papers presented in English language printed on standard paper with single spaces and three copies, leaving margins 2.5cm from the four sides. Paper typed in the computer using Microsoft word according to the theme fonts Times New Roman. After a peer reviewing of the paper by reviewers and paper revised by the authors according to the notes that recorded by reviewers, the paper typed in a single space using letter size 14 (Bold) for the title and headlines (Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and References), and for the author(s) and the rest of the research parts using letter size 12 (not Bold). The numbers used in the paper should be in Arabic and not Indian font (1, 2, 3……. etc) . The adders for example:

(Department of physics, college of education for pure sciences, University of Basrah, Iraq).

  1. Research is subjected to scientific evaluation by a specialist and the author(s) has to do all the corrections. In the case of dissatisfaction with the notes, he can reply by a memorandum to the editor secretary of the journal. Papers will not be published in the case of rejected by the experts or receiving a rating of (Research note) or (Report case) and editorials secretary will inform the authors about the case.
  2. The number of pages of the paper should not exceed (20) pages. The references used in the text should be for the past five years and not less than 50%. Do not use books as references except in case of necessity with a percentage not exceed 10%, also the references shoud write in english languge.
  3. The abstract of the research should be comprehensive and have to be written in both Arabic and English languages each one in separate page (not exceed 250 words for each), and including the keywords in the footnote of the abstract.
  4. Do not use words or symbols (abbreviations) before mentioned it earlier, for example Eg(energy gap), then you can write it as a shortcut. When you write the English abstract, you have to use the small letters to refer to the day, hour, meter….etc, for example kg for kilogram, h for hour, d for day……etc.
  5. The paper submitted for publication has to be arranged as follow:  Title, full name of the author(s) (without scientific degree), their work place, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgment (If necessary) and References. The references are arranged according to the following form:  

References should be arranged by the order in which they appear in the text. Only the references that are cited in the text should be added to the reference list. There are standard reference formats for most types of document.  Below are examples of the most common types of document you might want to reference. Each of the following gives a suggested standard format for the reference followed by examples for the different document types. 

Download Journal Template from her

Notes: Using DOI for each significant reference. Place the DOI at the end of your reference.


[Ref number]     Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, Book Title, edition (if not first).  Place of publication: Publisher, Year.  

[1]        I.A. Glover and P.M. Grant, Digital Communications, 3rd ed.  Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. 

Book chapter 

[Ref number]         Author’s initials.  Author’s Surname, “Title of chapter in book,” in Book Title, edition (if not first), Editor’s initials.  Editor’s Surname, Ed. Place of publication: Publisher, Year, page numbers.    

[2]    C. W. Li and G. J. Wang, "MEMS manufacturing techniques for tissue scaffolding devices," in Mems for Biomedical 

Applications, S. Bhansali and A. Vasudev, Eds. Cambridge: Woodhead, 2012, pp. 192-217. 

Electronic Book 

[Ref number]  Author’s initials. Author’s Surname. (Year, Month Day).  Book Title (edition) [Type of medium].  Available: URL 

[3]    W. Zeng, H. Yu, C. Lin. (2013, Dec 19). Multimedia Security Technologies for Digital Rights Management [Online]. 


Journal article 

[Ref number]   Author’s initials.  Author’s Surname, “Title of article,” Title of journal abbreviated in Italics, vol. number, issue  numberpage numbers, Abbreviated Month Year. 

[4]    F. Yan, Y. Gu, Y. Wang, C. M. Wang, X. Y. Hu, H. X. Peng, et al., "Study on the interaction mechanism between laser and 

rock during perforation," Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 54, pp. 303-308, Dec 2013. 

E-Journal article 

[Ref number]         Author’s initials.  Author’s Surname. (Year, Month).  “Title of article.” Journal Title [type of medium]. volume  number, issue number, page numbers if given.  Available: URL 

[5] M. Semilof. (1996, July). “Driving commerce to the web-corporate intranets and the internet: lines blur”. Communication Week [Online]. vol. 6, issue 19. Available:


Conference papers  

[Ref number]       Author’s initials.  Author’s Surname, “Title of paper,” in Name of Conference, Location, Year, pp. xxx. 

[6] S. Adachi, T. Horio, T. Suzuki. "Intense vacuum-ultraviolet single-order harmonic pulse by a deep-ultraviolet driving laser,"  in Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, 2012, pp.2118-2120. 


[Ref number] Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of report,” Abbreviated Name of Company., City of Company., State, Report  number, year. 

[7] P. Diament and W. L. Luptakin, “V-line surface-wave radiation and scanning,” Dept. Elect. Eng., Colombia Univ., New York, Sci Rep. 85, 1991. 


[Ref number]       Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of thesis,” Designation type, Abbrev. Dept., Abbrev. Univ., City of Univ., State, Year.  

[8]          J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyser,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, 1993. 


[Ref number]       Author’s initials. Author’s Surname, “Title of patent,” Country where patent is registered. Patent number, Abbrev  of Month Day Year.

[9]  J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3 624 125, July 16 1990.


[Ref number]     Author’s initials. Authors Surname. (Year, Month. Day). Title of web page [Online]. Available: URL  

[10]    BBC News. (2013, Nov. 11). Microwave signals turned into electrical power [Online]. Available: 

[11] M. Holland. (2002). Guide to citing internet sources [Online]. Available:  


  1. Tables and figures should be clear and placed in the text when referring to it (the main title of the table using letter size 14 Bold and the table content using letter size 12 with no Bold and colors  ).
  2. Referring in the body of the research, the author(s) name and reference number if it came at the beginning of the paragraph for example Robert and Steve (6) or [according to the method used by Goodwin et al(7)]. However, if the sentence is parenthesis use the reference number only for example (the optimum moisture for seeds varies depending on the type of seed and the method used for extraction (9), according to the sequence in the reference list. If Author want to mention the names of some author(s) those agreed with this results, he can write it as below: our results agree with the results reported by Ali (5), Hassan (6) and Ahmed et al (2)…….etc.
  3. Write the full scientific name of the plant, when mentioned it in the first time in the research title or research body and do not repeat it again.
  4. Due to the importance of scientific references in scientific paper, so it must not be less than 15 references and does not exceed 40 references.
  5. The author(s) should provide the full name of the author, scientific degree, place of work and e-mail for each participate to the Editorial Secretary of the journal. The main Author has to sign a declaration when the research accepted in the journal . Researcher will be given a maximum of two months to reconsider the correction of reviewers or whatever required from the chief editor- in - chief . In the case of do not retain the revised copy of the research within this period or the researcher did not respond to the correction that made by reviewers and the publishing instructions, the journal will be obliged not accept the paper for publishing and will not refund the money to the researcher. Similarly if the research refused from the reviewers. The editor – in – chief receives the paper copy directly or online. Research is not published unless all corrections are done and ensure compliance with the publishing instructions for the journal. Author(s) will be supplied with a copy of the paper when the journal issued . 
  6. Papers printed in A4 submitted in three copies, two Blind copies where neither names nor addressed Author are revealed.
  7. The journal will be providing one hard copy of the journal number and four copies of the manuscript.


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Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences)                                            College of Education for pure sciences,                                                University of Basrah.

Basrah, IRAQ.

 P.O. Box   0000000


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