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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • All author information should be added to the submission metadata.
  • The corresponding author is required to provide the names and complete details of all contributing authors during the submission process in the system. Any author not listed at this stage will not be included in the final manuscript.
  • Your manuscript should contain no more than 25% text generated by AI tools.
  • The manuscript's similarity score should be no more than 20%.
  • Review articles must adhere to the journal's guideline that limits review research to no more than 20% of the content in each issue.

Author Guidelines

The submission guidelines for the Journal of Basrah Researches Sciences (JoBRS). Please read carefully to ensure a smooth and efficient publication process.

Table of Contents

Article Publication Charge

As of January 1, 2025, the Journal of Basrah Researches Sciences (JoBRS) will introduce an Article Processing Charge (APC) to help cover the costs associated with publishing accepted manuscripts. This APC policy will apply to all new manuscript submissions received on or after January 1, 2025. Manuscripts submitted before this date will not be subject to any APC.

For manuscripts submitted on or after January 1, 2025 that are accepted for publication, the following APC rates will apply:

  • For regular authors affiliated with institutions in Iraq: 70,000 Iraqi Dinars (ID)
  • For authors affiliated with institutions outside of Iraq: $50 USD

These charges cover the costs of article processing and publication. Payment instructions will be provided once a manuscript is accepted for publication.

Discounts and Waivers

  • Top Reviewers: Reviewers who complete five or more high-quality manuscript reviews for JoBRS within a calendar year, with the majority of their reviews rated as Excellent, will be eligible for a full waiver of the APC for one accepted article in the following year where they are the corresponding author.
  • Postgraduate Students: Postgraduate students listed as the corresponding author on an accepted manuscript can request a 50% waiver of the applicable APC. Proof of current student status will be required at the time of submission.
  • Joint Research with Foreign Authors: For joint research between Iraqi authors and foreign authors, a reduced APC rate of 50,000 ID will apply to encourage international collaboration.
  • Additional waiver requests based on financial hardship may be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief for consideration on a case-by-case basis.

All requests for APC waivers or discounts should be made at the manuscript submission stage. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to approve or deny any waiver requests. Approved waivers will exempt authors from part or all of the APC if their submission is accepted for publication. Payment instructions will be provided upon acceptance of the paper.

Submission Process

The Journal of Basrah Researches Sciences (JoBRS) encourages the submission of original, high-quality research articles in pure and applied sciences. Manuscripts should be submitted via the Open Journal System (OJS) or via email to the Editorial Secretary at

Before submitting, ensure your manuscript follows the journal’s template and adheres to all submission guidelines. Manuscripts that do not comply will be returned for revision.

Manuscript Preparation Checklist:

  • Ensure the manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
  • The manuscript must adhere to the journal’s format and structure.
  • The manuscript should be accompanied by an Ethical Declaration and any necessary permissions for the use of previously published material.

Aims & Scope

The Journal of Basrah Researches Sciences (JoBRS) aims to publish cutting-edge research in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and other pure and applied sciences. The journal prioritizes research that is novel, impactful, and contributes to the advancement of these scientific disciplines.

For more details about the journal's focus, visit the Aims & Scope page.

Manuscript Categories and Requirements

1. Original Research Articles

Original research manuscripts should include detailed studies of scientific research, describing methodology, experiments, and results. Manuscripts should include an abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, and references. The typical length should not exceed 20 pages, including tables and figures.

2. Review Articles

Review articles summarize existing research and provide critical analysis on a specific scientific topic relevant to the journal. These articles should not introduce new data but should offer an insightful discussion of existing knowledge. Review articles should not exceed 25 pages and will constitute no more than 20% of the content in each issue.

3. Short Communications

Short Communications present preliminary research results or novel findings that require rapid dissemination. These manuscripts should be no longer than 4000 words.

For detailed examples of manuscript structures, refer to the Journal Template.

Manuscript Structure

Manuscripts should be structured in the following order:

  1. Title: A concise and descriptive title (maximum 15 words).
  2. Author Information: Full names of all authors, their institutional affiliations, and corresponding email addresses.
  3. Abstract: A summary of the research in English and Arabic, not exceeding 250 words each.
  4. Keywords: 3-5 keywords reflecting the core content.
  5. Introduction: Present the background, problem statement, and objectives.
  6. Materials and Methods: Detailed experimental methods or theoretical approaches.
  7. Results and Discussion: Interpretation and discussion of findings.
  8. Acknowledgments: Recognize any funding sources or assistance.
  9. References: Follow the journal’s reference style (see below).

Formatting Guidelines

  • Font: Use Times New Roman, 11 pt bold for headings and 11 pt regular for the main text.
  • Margins: Maintain 2.8 cm top margins and 2.4 cm for left, right, and bottom margins.
  • Spacing: Single-spaced throughout with 11 pt spacing between paragraphs and sections.
  • Page Setup: A4 paper size (21 cm x 29.7 cm).
  • Units: Use SI units throughout unless specified otherwise.

Manuscripts that do not conform to the required format may be returned for revision prior to review.

Reference Guidelines

References should follow these guidelines:

  • Recency: At least 50% of references should be from the past 5 years.
  • DOI: Include a DOI for each significant reference. Place the DOI at the end of the reference (e.g., doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2012.11.004).
  • Books: Limit book references to 10% of total references.
  • Citation: In-text citations should use square brackets, e.g., [1], [2]. The reference list should be ordered according to the appearance of references in the text.
  • Minimum References: Each paper must include a minimum of 15 references and should not exceed 40 references.

Examples of Reference Formats:

  • Journal Articles: [1] F. Yan, Y. Gu, Y. Wang, et al., "Study on the interaction mechanism between laser and rock during perforation," Optics and Laser Technology, vol. 54, pp. 303-308, Dec 2013. doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2012.11.004.
  • Books: [2] I. A. Glover and P. M. Grant, Digital Communications, 3rd ed., Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009.
  • Conference Papers: [3] S. Adachi, T. Horio, T. Suzuki, "Intense vacuum-ultraviolet single-order harmonic pulse by a deep-ultraviolet driving laser," in Conf. Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, CA, 2012, pp. 2118-2120.

For additional formats, refer to the Journal Template.

Tables and Figures

  • Placement: Tables and figures should be placed in the text at appropriate locations when referenced. Ensure clarity and appropriate formatting.
  • Titles and Captions: Use 11 pt bold for table titles and 11 pt regular for table content.
  • Reference in Text: Tables and figures should be referred to in the text with appropriate citation, e.g., "Table 1 shows..." or "As seen in Figure 2...".
  • Table Content: Ensure that the content of tables is clear and concise, and that all figures and tables are numbered sequentially.

Additional Referencing Guidelines:

  • When citing authors in the text, mention the authors' names and reference number at the beginning of a paragraph. For example: Robert and Steve (6) or [according to the method used by Goodwin et al. (7)].
  • If referring to a citation within parentheses, use only the reference number. Example: (the optimum moisture for seeds varies depending on the type of seed and the method used for extraction (9)).
  • If citing multiple authors, it should be formatted as follows: "Our results agree with the findings of Ali (5), Hassan (6), and Ahmed et al. (2)."

Ethical Standards

All submitted manuscripts must comply with ethical guidelines:

  • Originality: Manuscripts must be original and not under review elsewhere.
  • Research Involving Humans or Animals: Include statements of compliance with relevant ethical standards and institutional approvals.
  • Plagiarism: Manuscripts will be screened using Turnitin for plagiarism. Any submission with a similarity index exceeding 20% will be returned for revision.

Post-Acceptance Process

  1. Production Stage: The manuscript will be processed by the production team to prepare for publication.
  2. DOI Assignment: The article will be assigned a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
  3. Final Proof: Authors will be contacted to approve the final proof of their manuscript before publication.
  4. Publication: The manuscript will be published in the upcoming issue, either in June or December, or it will appear in the Early View section prior to issue allocation.

Contact Information

For any inquiries or assistance with the submission process, please contact the Editorial Secretary: Email:


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.