Monitoring and surveillance systems based IoTs with Blockchain: Literature Review
Surveillance systems, Real-time monitoring, Blockchain, IoTAbstract
Globally, technology has developed in various sectors to improve individuals' quality of life and safety. Monitoring and surveillance systems are critical components in different industries' infrastructure. Monitoring and surveillance systems based IoT have enhanced promptly in recent years, integrating with sophisticated technologies such as blockchain, deep learning, cloud computing, and edge computing. To the best of our knowledge, there are few reviews in the field of monitoring and surveillance-based blockchain. For that reason, we conducted a literature review to discuss different methods for addressing security and privacy problems in monitoring and surveillance systems based IoT utilizing blockchain technology. Our research divides the papers into five sections which are surveillance systems, authentication mechanisms, artificial intelligence, security mechanisms / Monitoring in different smart industries, and detection mechanisms. It also focuses on the use of blockchain technology and its types, the employment of external data storage that integrat with the blockchain for supporting its storage, and the type of tools used, to compare the previous studies. Additionally, The review reaearch compares current methodologies in terms of shortcomings such as lack of security analysis, performance evaluation, malicious attacks, and data security during transmission. Our research introduces a comparison that includes security features such as mutual authentication, Anonymity, the employing of external storage, performance analysis Also, the research gave a summary and analysis of previous works. Lastly, the study benefits beginner researchers in terms of saving time and effort
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