Estimation Methods for Three-Way Repeated Measurements Model


  • Fatima H. Al-Kanan Department of Mathematics, College of Education for Pure Sciences, University of Basrah, Basrah, Iraq.



Repeated measurements model, variance components, maximum likelihood estimation, likelihood ratio test statistic, penalized likelihood estimation.


In this paper, we study two estimation methods for a three-way repeated measurements model. We estimated the variance components by using the maximum likelihood method and penalized likelihood method. We determine the moments of each estimator, also we define the likelihood ratio test statistic. We look at the various factors that contribute to accuracy, such as sample size, and biased estimation.


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Estimation Methods for Three-Way Repeated Measurements Model




How to Cite

Al-Kanan, F. H. (2024). Estimation Methods for Three-Way Repeated Measurements Model. Basrah Researches Sciences, 50(1), 11.


