The Study Focuses on Lacunary Interpolation and Error Estimations by Spline Function




Lacunary Interpolation, Spline Function, Error Bounds, Convergence Analysis


To solve a lacunary interpolation problem with a range of (0, 2, 4), we first look at an appropriate class of insufficient splines. Under suitable assumptions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution. We describe the convergence analysis and show that the approach is of order six and that it can be constructed of any order, with any intermediate lacunary requirements.


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How to Cite

Jwamer, K. H. F., Hamasalh, F. K., & Karem, R. C. (2024). The Study Focuses on Lacunary Interpolation and Error Estimations by Spline Function. Basrah Researches Sciences, 50(2), 146–156.


